Carpe Vitae

Carpe Vitae.  Seize Life.

We spent days and weeks trying to come up with the perfect phrase to name our blog.  Sometimes coming up with the name is the hardest part.

The credit ultimately goes to John G.  He wrote about us in one of his blog posts and used the phrase as a title.  It was a lightbulb moment if ever there was one.

Carpe Vitae perfectly sums up our goals for this trip.  We have before us a rare and exciting opportunity and we are determined to make the most of it.

This blog will be a combination of many things. We hope to write about each country we visit and give you a glimpse into what we see and experience on this adventure. There will be many pictures, and hopefully a few videos.  Basically, this blog is our little corner of the internet, and our place to tell you about our travels, so feel free to follow along.

Carpe Vitae!


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